Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Porthkerry 5 Mile Multi-Terrain Run

Well I wasn't happy with just running a 5 mile race on Bank Holiday Monday and then having an easier weekend... nooooooooooooo, I went and signed up for the Porthkerry 5 mile multi-terrain race on Sunday (10th May).

The race is organised by Penarth and Dinas running club and located in Barry.

It wasn't just me running, some of my fellow Pegasus did too.

Photo bombing by Les Croupier *tuts*

The run was on fields, tarmac, pathways and woodland hills... yes HILLS! 2 big b*stards!

My thoughts exactly!

I eventually got over the shock and the race begin. There were only about 250 of us altogether so my plan was to come in last and anything better than that would be a bonus.

The first hill started just before the 1st mile marker and I was reassured that most people walk up it.

Fake running for the camera!

I'd had a big meal the night before the race (not my best decision!) and it was 50/50 whether it was going to stay down or not.

Says it all really!

Thankfully I didn't need a pit stop. I finally got to the top of the 1st hill and was pleased that the next mile or 2 was either downhill or flat. Thank god!

Actually running

The next and final hill was bigger... longer... more painful... horrendous

I'm with Wonder Woman... the woman talks sense!

After I'd finished arguing with myself, I walked my tired arse up the hill and could've cried when I got to the top.

Soooooo wanted to do this!

4 and 1/2 miles into the race I knew it would be over very, very soon... I just had to keep going. I came around a corner and saw the finish line... oh how I love you finish line!

Nearly there!

It's right here!


I beat my goal and was something like 6th from last and completed the 5 miles in 56:36 which made me ridiculously happy as it was a hard, hard race.

My Strava activity summary... see, BIG hills!

Pegasus plus others group shot... we're all still smiling!

I thought I would get really muddy as we'd had a few days of rain before the race but this was it

Oooooo hardly any mud!

My race goody was a bright yellow t-shit which is perfect for training in

But I had been under the impression that I was getting a t-shirt and a medal... I like a medal *glares at John* However my disappointment was short lived as the race entry fee was very cheap and the t-shirt is very good. I think John felt sorry for me and knocked this special medal up for me.


So to summarise my run, it went something like this in my head...

I hate running
Why am I running?
I'm on bloody grass
WTF that's a mountain not a hill
Thank god, flatness
Yay downhill!
Oh flat again, I could get used to this
OMG why grass again?!
I hate hate hate running!
A hill... you said a hill... that's more like Everest!
Oh good flat but grass... bleurgh!
More flat
Why am I still running? There's no-one else around... I could just walk! No, don't walk... run!
But I hate running.. .this sucks!
Ooooo downhill again. John said left my body relax and my legs just go... this is fun!
More grass... why all the grass?!
Oh look there's John
What? John just told me to sprint to the finish line!
How am I sprinting? I have no energy left.
OMG I'm so close to the finish line... I can see my Pegasus... must. run. faster.
Ok breath...
Ooooooo t-shirt and water... feeling spoilt
Must walk over to my Pegasus posse... work legs, work!

After all the yays and hugs I was asked how the race was, this was my response...

I hated every second of it until I got to the end and then it was amazing and I want to do it again!!



Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Cardiff Bay 5 Mile Race Day!

On Bank Holiday Monday I got out of bed and drove to Cardiff Bay for the appropriately named Cardiff Bay 5 Mile run.

Cardiff Bay... 5 miles

It was my first race as a member of Pegasus Running Club and I was strangely calm about the whole thing. I got there nice and early to sign in and get my race pack.

Race day selfie with Katie

Kitted up and ready to run!

The girls and I in the club had a discussion about the best time to go to the loo as we all knew we had to leave it late enough so we didn't need to pee when we started running but not too late otherwise there would be a big queue.

Timing is essential!

We had time for a quick team photo 

Team Pegasus!

We all gathered at the starting line and it seemed to take ages but that meant time for another couple of photos 

Full of smiles and pure terror!


The race started and Katie and I stuck together to make sure we didn't get carried away with the crowd and take off too quickly otherwise that would've ruined our whole race plan... not that we actually had a proper race plan, it was more of a 'one foot in front of the other for 5 miles' kind of a plan.

I can see the finish line!!

I wanted to complete the run in under 60 mins (sub 60) and totally smashed it by finishing in 54 mins and 22 seconds!

Wooooo hooooooo!

Today's race reward was a shiny medal so we all did a lot of posing with our new jewellery 

Say armadillo!

I was totally buzzing after the race and wanted to do it all over again. I'm sure I would've managed about 5cm and not quite 5 miles but my heart was up for it.

I can take on the world!!

 Once everyone finished the race we did some more posing

Bling bling!

Last race day selfie!

The next most important part of the day was all about food. How many calories did I burn so how many cakes can I stuff into my face?

We ended our race day in the Mount Stuart pub. We chatted about the race, our performance and then which races we would do next while we ate our well earned food.

Photo bombing medal

By the end of the meal, I had agreed to do about 3-4 more races before my Cardiff Half marathon. Have I mentioned previously that I'm running the Cardiff Half marathon??!! Maybe only once or twice.

Now this is the dangerous part of the day. You feel on top of the world and want to do it all over again as soon as possible. This quickly goes from this...

I want to do it all over again!

To this...

I just agreed to what??!!

For me, the best part of the whole day was being with my team and feeling the Pegasus love and support. If you ever consider joining a running club then I say do it. It's the best decision I ever made and my race day was a 1000 times better because of my new running family. I knew I could do it because they helped me train for it and were there to cheer me on. Best. Day. EVER!!
