Sunday, 3 April 2016

Try Something New for 30 Days

Recently I watched a TED talk called "Try something new for 30 days" by Matt Cutts and he makes it seem so achievable. The talk is only 3 mins and 20 seconds long but has motivated me to give it a go. The TED talk is here

There are a lot of 30 day challenges out there but they mainly focus around fitness. I did the 30 day ab challenge a couple of years ago and actually managed to keep going for the whole 30 days. I didn't keep going after the 30 days though.

I've decided that I'm going to start a new 30 days challenge on the 1st of every month and try anything and everything that springs to mind. It takes around 21 days of doing something consistently for a new habit to form so hopefully some of them will stick whereas others will probably drop off.

As I complete a challenge I'll add them to my '30 day challenges' board in Pinterest, that way I can keep track of my achievements.

My first challenge is to focus on toning my arms. I'm a bit conscious about them and have been meaning to do some exercises for years but I start and they don't last long enough to make a difference.

Other ideas are:
  • Take a photo each day
  • Meditate
  • Write a novel in 30 days
  • Eat something new
  • Read a chapter of a book
  • Learn a magic trick
  • Run or cycle to work
  • Don't complain or moan
  • Cut out chocolate, sweets, cake, alcohol, caffine, sugar or your guilty pleasure
  • Draw something different each day
  • Do a random act of kindness
  • Exercise each day
  • Learn a new word every day
  • De-clutter a drawer, cupboard or area of the house each day
  • Say Yes! to new opportunities and see where they lead
  • Watch a film a day
  • Start the day with herbal or green tea
  • Do something a little bit crazy
  • Learn something new each day - YouTube is full of ideas!
  • Think of your worst habit that you've been meaning to ditch and give it up for 30 days

If you're not sure which one to do first then write them on pieces of paper and put them in a jar then on the 1st of each month pull out an idea!

Do you have any ideas that I can add to the list? Are you going to join me in the 30 day challenges? If so you can comment below or send me a tweet at @sarachick4

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