Last Saturday I completed my first ever 13.1 mile run. It
wasn’t an organised race but a training run with just me, my iPod, some gel
packs and my runners.
According to my training plan I was only supposed to do 12 miles but I thought an extra
1.1 miles wouldn’t kill me and if I actually completed it then I’d have run a
half marathon 6 weeks before my actual half marathon! Oh, did I mention I'm running the Cardiff Half Marathon?
I didn't think I had
I set off at about 9.30am and didn’t mind if it took me 3
hours to do it. I did tell my boyfriend my route so if I wasn’t back within 4
hours then he could come and rescue me.
Oh my hero! *swoons*
I may have been ‘redirected’ during my run as I hadn’t paid close enough
attention to my planned route. My Pegasus pals will be shocked to hear this as I don’t
regularly get lost on runs and have to use Google maps to find my way back to the route…
nope, never done that before. Ok, maybe I have a few times but that’s what
happens when I’m allowed out on my own!
Probably, yes.
It took me 2 hours, 34 minutes and 17 seconds to run 13.1
miles. I went through half a bottle of water, 2 gel packs and 44 songs on my
iPod. At times I felt like I was flying and other times I felt like this...
Actually he's probably going faster!
I arrived at my boyfriend’s house and fell on the lounge floor, I let him
peel my runners and socks off my feet – my body started aching as soon as I stopped running, it was agony and bliss at the same
time. He then gave me my protein shake and a banana which I drank/ate while
inspecting my latest blister… hello new friend, so pleased to meet you!
I really enjoyed the run (afterwards obviously!) and it took a while for it to sink in that I'd just run 13.1 miles. I had run 13.1 miles... for fun!
During my 13.1 miles of 'fun' I had a lot of time to think. I also have a mantra that I play on repeat in my head when the run gets really tough "will this pain ever stop, will this run ever end, I don’t want to do this anymore, this sucks, I want cake!" "I can do this, I am strong, I can do this!" Simple yet effective. I have grown up saying "I can't" or finding excusing that prevent me having to try as I was too afraid to fail. Becoming a runner has taught me so much about myself
- My mind is more powerful than I give it credit for... just need to apply the same to cake
- My body is strong and it's only getting stronger
- Failing isn't a bad thing, in fact it's a good thing as I learn from it and move on
- Never say never – I never thought I’d run ½ mile let alone 13.1 miles!
So with this in mind I have decided to stop calories counting and stressing about my weight so much, I have removed my weighing scales from the bathroom. I'm going to be aware of what I eat but not be so obsessed. My body is never going to be perfect. It will always have its not-so-toned bits and the white scars from stretch marks but it carried me through 13.1 miles last weekend so it's fucking strong and amazing.
My body should be treated the way it deserves to be treated. It's never let me down and it keeps going on and on even when my brain is telling it to stop. It just doesn't listen. So now I'm going to start listening to my body. I'm going to feed it a healthy and balanced diet (most of the time anyway) and I'm going to exercise it even when I can't be bothered and would rather hold the sofa down instead. More importantly I'm going to reward it with treats and cake and not punish it and myself for indulging now and again. I'm sick of the guilt I feel every time I eat something 'naughty'. It's not naughty, its a reward and we both deserve it!
Top tip!!